List QR code of a lock
1. Description
Name Type Required Description
clientId String Y The app_id which is assigned by system when you create an application
accessToken String Y Access token
lockId Int Y Lock ID
pageNo Int Y Page, start from 1
pageSize Int Y Items per page, default 20, max 100
date Long Y Current time (timestamp in millisecond)
Parameter Type Description
list JSONArray Record list

The objects of the returning data
Parameter Type Description
qrCodeId Int QR code id
lockId Int Lock ID
type Int QR code type, 1-period, 2-permanent, 4-cyclic
qrCodeNumber String QR code number: the unique number of QR code in a lock. It's will be contained in the unlocking records for identifing which code unlock the lock.
name String Qr code name
startDate Long The time when it becomes valid, timestamp in milliseconds
endDate Long The time when it is expired, timestamp in milliseconds
cyclicConfig JSONArray The cyclic time configuration, the startTime and endTime off each week day must be the same at the moment
createDate Long Create time
status Int status: 1-normal, 2-invalid or expired, 3-pending
creator String creator
Parameter Type Description
startTime Int Start time of cyclic, in minutes, for example 480 for 8:00
endTime Int End time of cyclic, in minutes, for example 1080 for 18:00
weekDay Int Week day, 1-7, 1 for monday and 7 for sunday.